Monday, October 30, 2006

hurry up

preparing for work in the morning is all about efficiency for me. Since I take the bus from its starting point, I know what time it leaves and thus am able to reverse-engineer the time I need to get up so as to get on it. The goal for me is to do so, while taking care of my morning routine (shower, shave, dress...) with not a minute to spare.
Considering what time I want to be at work (around 8:30am), my bus is the one that leaves at 7:40am (ish, this is the RATP after all). Which means I leave home around 7:30-35am. In the past it took me a good 45 mins-1h to get ready in the morning, which would include a lot of moments when I'd just be taking my time. However, I've become less and less tolerant of this, and consequently I've now managed to do my whole routine in around 30 minutes. I don't feel like I'm rushing when I'm doing it, but I definitely look at the time to know where I'm at. Still, you'll be amazed at how much stuff you can do in 30 minutes when you're efficient. For me that includes :
  • wake up
  • shower+brush teeth
  • shave+clean
  • dress while watching news
  • make sure i've got all my stuff before going to the kitchen (to avoid repeated trips to my room and thus potentially wake up my roommates)
  • go to kitchen, prepare lunch
  • depending on the time, have a "full" breakfast or, more likely, get my vitamins, juice and a yogurt, and grab a Kit Kat + some Krisprolls on the way out

All this might make it sound like I'm some sort of control freak, in actuality it's mostly the manifestation of my sleep-hungry slacker side trying to eke out a few minutes of sleep where I can. Trust me that if I find I can gain 2-3 minutes more I will push back that alarm.

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