Sunday, April 01, 2007

where's the beef

as we all know fast food is bad for you. Bad, bad, bad. There's been a book and a movie about it, both of which I've both ingested (ha). There's also this quaint concept called common sense: if you eat too much of something that's got lots of fat, you're gonna become fat yourself.
But there's a reason why people, myself including, keep eating it, it's that it's the ultimate comfort food. Sure a lot of it, okay most of it, is gross, but the 8-year-old in all of us really likes it, so once in a while we succumb to the crave. For many, myself included again, that happens in a drunken stupor in the wee hours. Seriously, I cannot fathom how much it must suck to work at any of those fast-food joints downtown after midnight. Except for the Wiener Circle in Chicago, because the Wiener Circle is Awesome. But it's no revelation to say that fast food is here to stay

Overall I tend to stay away from fast food, thankfully in part because I don't like it too much anymore. But every so often I'll come across an ad for a new product from one of the merchants of fats and feel compelled to try it out. Such was the case with KFC's latest offering, the Honey BBQ Boneless Bites. Now at 7am in the tube seeing a poster for this might not make your taste buds whimper in anticipation, but on a Sunday with no known plans for lunch, it sounded like a most excellent idea.

Thus the trek was made this morning to my local bluegrass state poultrian establishment, like a man on a mission. Come to think of it, I kind of was a man on a mission. For some that means climbing Mount Everest, for others trying out a new delicacy of modern chemistry.

Here they are, the BBQ bites in all their sticky glory

Feeding the belly is one thing, but real men need intellectual stimulation too (um, and footy results)

Overall I wasn't disappointed: the honey BBQ sauce was very tasty, and the chicken breat tender. Since I try to keep these sorts of outings to a minimum (drunken shenanigans notwithstanding, although recently I am proud to say there have been less of those too), I'm glad that I enjoyed this experiment.

Speaking of which, after dining at Chez Colonel Sanders, I went to Sainsbury's to pick up a few essentials, and came upon this miracle of modern science: red Coca Cola. Now there's something that lies beyond the curiosity of even an adventurous lad like myself.

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