Thursday, April 19, 2007


seriously, what is up with teens listening to their music on their cellphone's "speakers". I see this more and more: a bunch of youngins (thank God unfortunately this seems to be limited to the under-15, apparently that's when their sense of reality kicks in. Which begs the question: is 15 the new 7?) walking around while "blasting" some top-40 tune on their latest Nokia. Not only is this annoying when it happens in a closed-off space like the bus, it's actually PRETTY FLIPPIN RIDICULOUS. Cell phones speakers are kind of loud, but without any definition at all. The result is that it sounds like the music is coming from some underwater radio station. Yet the kids seem to love it, acting as though they were circa-80s LL Cool J rocking the humongous boombox. Except, really really small, with no bass at all and much more expensive.
On the flip-side, they're not listening to music through their headphones, which means they might actually retain their hearing longer than I will. So who's really dumb now?

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