Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Apparently I have a thing for Gap messenger bags. I already own three, and last night I bought a fourth one. I like their messenger bags because they can go well with pretty much any type of attire. I can carry one with a suit or with shorts and tee-shirts when I'm going grocery shopping (you might be surprised, but I don't wear a suit to go to Franprix, although I'm sure it would make an already classy experience that much more stellar).
Recently I've thought about getting one of those old school briefs or some sort of leather shoulder bag, just to carry my stuff (book, umbrella...) when going to the office. But I stopped by the Gap on the Champs last night, and I saw this sorta sporty bag, I knew it was exactly what I was looking for...until the next time Gap comes up with a new model...

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