Wednesday, March 21, 2007

press, fold, repeat

part of the appeal of moving to a new city, for me, was to change my lifestyle. Living in the same apartment, with the same roomies, for 3 years gave me some pretty regular habits. Not that I'd do the same thing every single weekend (that would be hard and kinda sad in a city like Paris), but I had my supermarket, my bar, my Italian "traiteur", and so on. Moving to London was definitely an opportunity to change all that and get some new habits. Right now I'm at a time where I'm looking to explore as much as I can, but it's always good to know what secrets your neighborhood holds. You know, finding a great Thai restaurant or an indie music store just a couple of blocks from your place for those lazy Sunday strolls. And speaking of lazy, I very quickly decided that I wasn't going to do any laundry anymore, save the occasional gym clothes load. So I quickly made an appraisal of my various possibilities and found this place where I can drop a bag off in the morning and get it back at the end of the day, all clean and fresh and folded (although I refold the clothes since they tend to do it in a weird way that's not very cupboard-friendly).
So basically every week or fortnight (if I'm feeling resilient) I give them this:
And then for £6-8, I get back my smelly clothes all fresh and clean anew:

Hooray for financially-empowered laziness.

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