Monday, October 04, 2010

you don't get to 500 million miles without making a few flats

2 weeks in, the bike commuting is going swell as can be. The logistics were a little trying at first, but now that I've transferred about half of my worldly possessions to the office, there's less need for daily preparation and packing. Which is always good when you're trying to leave for work within 5 minutes of waking up at 6am. Roads are in as bad a state as I expected them to be, but that's where the thicker tires of my Honky Tonk come into play.
The whole experience has been extremely satisfying so far, with the best part probably being how much I look forward to the commute now, as opposed to the semi-annoyance I felt toward a chore I had little control over. Now I understand why bike commuters sound so much like Brazilian tele-evangelists when you get them started on the subject of their daily trips. Although seeing as how I haven't seen a single such individual other than myself so far, seems like I have a whole lot of proselytizing to do in this fair city of Houston, TX.

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